
Why Preventing Spam Comments On Your Website Is Crucial?

Dealing with the spam comments on their sites is one of the ever-challenging issues for website owners no matter what type of it is.

If you have a content-based website, such as blogs, news, or something like that, comments are an integral part of your platform. It is very important to maintain engagement with your blog. Moreover, a good conversation to your content would consider as a good sign in the search engine’s eye. But, not all comments impact in a positive way. Spam comments are a major drawback for site owners.

Combatting the spam comments to your blog or website is important; why?

What are spam comments?

Spam comments are often out of text writings, placing spammy links right to your comment section. People make spam comments to your blog mainly for backlink purposes. In general, the website’s comment option allows commentators to place a link in through their comment. Now, spammers use this method to bombard your comment box with AI technologies. A human makes not all the spam comments you are getting.

Why should you prevent spam comments on your site?

The first and foremost reason is,

Penalized by search engines:

People do spam comments, places backlinks, use HTML coding to camouflage links. They all put their effort into getting a backlink from you. If your site has a quite good DA, PA, there is a big chance to see a flood of comments. Many spam sites, porn, or gambling sites that are not supported by the search engines place their link because the higher your backlink profiles, the bigger your ranking chances.
Now, when search engines see that you have so many toxic or spam links to your website, they downgrade your rankings. That is an obvious reason you should prevent spam comments for.

Bad user experience:

After reading your articles, there are many readers who are likely to look for the comments. Now, the comments are should be relevant to your article or blog; any out-of-context, spammy links create a bad impression no matter how good your article was. Many people would consider you as a spammer too.

Effects the discussion:

In the comment section, readers ask the author or start a discussion with other readers. But, if the comment section is filled already with spam comments, people are most likely not to start a conversation. Also, these spam comments come in huge numbers and often make a terrible view.
Now, these are the problem with the spam comments on your site.

So, how can you deal with spam comments?

There are plenty of ways you can adopt to stop bombarding your comment section by spam link-building techniques. Below we are mentioning some methods you can embrace to deal with spam comments.

Not having the comment section:

Many websites actually do not have the comment section to their blog or website. Comments are very important to get feedback from your audience. Where you need to improve, what to include. But still, many websites do not have a comment option.

Removing the URL insertion option:

In most cases, you are likely to see comments with some irrelevant links lead to spam. Using comment bots, they would come and place their links on your websites. So, if you do not support links, you may see less comment spam.

Manually approve comments:

That is an option you can choose to comment spamming if you have time on your hand. When you moderate your site comments, no comment will get published without your review. When someone posts any comment to your site, it gets pending your approval. Then you review it and allow it for publishing. But, when you have tons of comments on your site, it’s very time-consuming to read all comments one by one.
WordPress websites have an excellent option to deal with this problem. There are numerous anti-spam comment filters available that would help you to deal with the problem with ease.

Akismet Spam protection:

Akismet is a widely popular plugin to prevent spam comments on your WordPress site. The plugin comes pre-installed with WordPress. They have a global database to identify suspicious spam comments and take them down. The plugin is basically free to use but if your site has a large number of comments that need to get checked, you can choose the premium plan.

Antispam Bee:

Antispam Bee is yet another free and easy-to-use WordPress plugin that can prevent spamming to your website. Using it on your platform is super easy. Just install the plugin; no registration is required. Even you are using it for tons of comments, it is free of charge.

WordPress Zero Spam:

If you want to prevent spam on your comment section, without approaching users with various CAPTCHAs, then WordPress Zero Spam would be the best fit solution for you. Besides preventing spam comments, it does the job perfectly to stop spam account creation on your site. The setup process is very simple. It seamlessly integrates with Contact Form 7, Gravity Forms, Ninja Forms, and BuddyPress.

There are so many other plugins available that you can give a try.

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