
WordPress Memory Exhausted Error: Increasing the Memory Limit

Read The Article Know How To Resolve WordPress Memory Limit Error.

Sometimes we face memory exhausted error on our WordPress website when we want to install some themes, plugin, or script. It’s not a major problem for us.

This incident usually occurs due to exceeding the default allocated memory size of WordPress. We can easily resolve this problem through wp-config.php, MultiPHP INI Editor, and .htaccess file.

Edit wp-config.php file

First, go to the File Manager then find the wp-config.php file on your WordPress folder. After that “edit” the file and add the below code. That all stops your editing before the “That’s all, stop editing! Happy publishing” line and save it.

define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M');

Wp Memory Exhausted Error Fix Through Wp Config.php File

Use MultiPHP INI Editor

You can also solve this problem by the MultiPHP INI Editor on cPanel. At first, go to your cPanel, then click Software>MultiPHP INI Editor. After that, go to “Configure PHP INI basic settings” and select your site. After completing that process input the memory limit 256MB and apply.

Wordpress Memory Exhausted Error Fix Through Multi P H P I N I Editor

Edit .htaccess file

Moreover, you can also fix the memory exhausted error by adding the code below to the .htaccess file.

php_value memory_limit 256M


That’s all we hope this article helped you solve WordPress memory exhausted error by increasing memory limit. Still, every website needs a web hosting to run, but if you want it to work properly, the more memory you can allocate to your website, the better.

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