Earn Money Without Google AdSense- AdSense Alternatives For Bloggers
See The Best AdSense Alternatives For Blog Owners By Which They Can Easily Make Money.

Most of the bloggers who are newbie cannot think to earn money without Google AdSense until they don’t get AdSense approval or the account gets a ban.
There you will hardly find any blogger who does not know what is AdSense or did not hear about AdSense. In fact, most of the bloggers firstly come on this field by looking towards AdSense. There is nothing wrong with it.
Google AdSense has numerous features for which we can say Google AdSense Program Is The Best For Blog Owners. For a new blogger, it is completely a hassle-free easy to set up process. You only need to take your code and paste it to your website. You can integrate multiple websites on a single AdSense account. It gives you the flexibility to operate all your blogs with a single Adsense account. besides that, it is a product from the tech giant Google. So there is no problem with the payments with it. There are more things which make it the most popular Ad network in the world. But, what if you cannot use the AdSense on your blog? It is the end of your earning from the blog? absolutely not. You can earn money without Google AdSense.There are a lot of AdSense alternatives available on the internet.
In spite of huge earning opportunities from Google AdSense, lots of bloggers do not use the AdSense or they cannot use them. It happens because of some reasons-
AdSense account disapproved
So many bloggers apply for Google AdSense but do not gets their account approved. It happens because of many reasons like not having enough content, AdSense mobile ad placement policy, misleading content, AdSense dangerous content policy, and many more. AdSense has lots of terms and policies. If you violate them you account gets disabled.
Low CPC rate
Lots of bloggers face a problem who have monetized their blog with Google AdSense, that they do not get higher CPC. For a long time when publishers give their hard work but do not get decent CPC, they get demotivated and try to find AdSense alternatives for their blog.
Google AdSense revenue dropping
Many bloggers face Google AdSense revenue dropping in several times. After getting god income from AdSense suddenly they see their revenue is dropping and they could not be able to fix that. This is also a big reason while people quit Google Adsense.
AdSense account disabled
For violating AdSense policies, Google often disables AdSense account for that people could not use the AdSense to their blog.
These may be some reasons for what bloggers quite using Google AdSense and these also be the reasons for you too to not use AdSense. So, now if you are not using the Google AdSense is there Google AdSense alternatives by which you can make money from your blog? The answer is yes. There are lots of options by which you make money with. Some options are as follows you can use.
Other AdSense alternative ad networks
When you are not using the Google AdSense you get lots of AdSense alternatives. It is true that Google shares the maximum percentage of revenue. They share 68 % revenue with the publishers which no other ad network can do. Also as compared to other ad platforms, publishers can earn so much more with Google. But still, if you are unable to use AdSense not wish to use that you get options like-
- Media.net which shows a similar type of Ads relevant to your blog content. It is the second-largest content monetizing platform just after AdSense.
- Taboola is also a renowned ad network which is quite popular among website owners.
- Another great alternative you have is Adbuff. It also connects you with a wide range of advertisers.
- You can also earn money from Viglink through your blog. It converts your external links to money-making affiliate links.
There are several more alternative options to monetize your content.
Affiliate marketing is probably the best alternative to AdSense
Affiliate marketing is the most preferred option for so many bloggers. Referrals are a genuine option by which popular bloggers earn money from a blog. Affiliate marketing has huge potential to generate a passive income from your blog. You can read-
What Is Affiliate Marketing And How Does It Work?
You can choose the best affiliate marketing niches, promote their product or services. Whenever someone buys anything from your given link you get a commission on that. So many popular bloggers do not even use AdSense to their platform and earn a considerable amount of money by doing affiliate marketing. If you have a clear knowledge in affiliate sales you can easily earn money without Google AdSense. To go with the referrals, you can read-
The Top 8 Money Making Affiliate Programs For A Beginners In 2019
Besides these methods, if you have deep knowledge in your segment, you can sell your experience by creating e-books, courses to your audience. It is also a good option to earn money from your blog.
Thanks for reading. We hope this was informative to you. Read AdSense related more articles-