SEO Tips

What Is Google AMP And It’s Important For SEO

Everything You Need To Know Why Google AMP Is Important For SEO.

Have you ever tried to load your website on the mobile, and does it frustrate you? If yes, then you must know what is Google AMP and how does it work.

Now the world is moving towards mobile. According to HubSpot, almost 33% of users are using their smartphones for internet use. When we are using a broadband connection, we can surf the internet smoothly. Sometimes when we move to remote places, we don’t get the availability of mobile towers the same as broadband. Also, the mobile internet doesn’t offer seamless connectivity like broadband. That leads to poor user experience for smartphone users. People are frustrated to click on a link that leads to a slow-loading webpage.

Also Read: Know These On-Page SEO Factors To Improve Website Ranking.

And over 25% of visitors leave a webpage that doesn’t load in six seconds. On the other hand, most of the publishers are trying to get visibility of the SERP’s and attracting the interest of their visitors. For this reason, Google has invented Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) to build web pages that load more quickly on mobile devices. Before we dive into deep, let’s examine what Google AMP is and what are the potential benefits of Google AMP for publishers and website owners.

What is Google AMP

What Is Google Accelerated Mobile Pages In S E O

Google AMP, or Accelerated Mobile Pages, is an open-source coding standard that enables the publishers to create a website that loads faster on mobile devices. So, they can avoid slow-loading web pages that are frustrating for users. Additionally, it improves the user experience for any visitor to your site who wants to navigate and read your content with minimal distractions.

How does Google AMP work

Google AMP project mainly consists of three different elements, such as AMP HTML, AMP JS, and Google AMP Cache.


AMP HTML is very similar to the regular HTML with specific tags for a set of elements. But it has some custom tags and many restrictions. AMP HTML helps to improve UX by reducing the page load time.

AMP Javascript:

Javascript plays an essential role in modern web design. In the AMP project, it manages resources handling and asynchronous loading. As well as, it also increases the web page loading.

What Is Google Accelerated Mobile Pages And How Does It Work

Google AMP Cache:

The Google AMP Cache is a proxy-based content delivery network. It fetches AMP HTML pages, caches them, and then automatically improves the page performance.

AMP stands for Accelerated Mobile Pages, and it designed as an open standard for any publisher to have pages load quickly on mobile devices. External resources such as images, ads, or iframes must have to state their size in the HTML so that AMP can determine the size of each element. As well as, when AMP downloads the resources, it optimizes carefully, so the most valuable resources are downloaded first.

Benefits of using Google AMP in SEO

Google AMP now plays an important role in SEO. Although it does not affect your SEO ranking directly, it can have an indirect effect. Now we are going to explain some of the benefits of Accelerated Mobile Pages.

The Benefits Of Google A M P For Website S E R P's Ranking

1. Increase web traffic and SERP’s ranking:

Loading time is a crucial component of SEO ranking. Google AMP pages are prioritized in their search algorithms and have a positive effect on search engine results pages (SERP). Accelerated Mobile Pages helps to increase the loading speed of a website for mobile devices. As well as, it improves the user experience very effectively. As a result, your website will get the highest number of organic traffic and engagement.

2. It decreases the bounce rate:

Bounce rate is an internet marketing term that measures the percentage of site visitors who enter on your web pages and then leave the site without visiting another page. As we know, the AMP helps your web pages load faster, so your visitors will be able to view and read your content easily, and they will explore the site for a long time. As a result, you will be able to reduce your bounce rate. If you want to know more about the bounce rate, then you can read; What Is Bounce Rate Of A Website And How Can You Reduce It?

3. Google news carousel with text:

One of the most significant benefits of AMP is that it is a Google News carousel. When users search for content on their mobile devices, the carousel appears at the top of all searches and encouraging them to click this content first. As well as, it is given more priority than other search results. And this is one of the biggest reasons for an SEO boost.

4. Google AMP helps to increase campaign ROI:

AMP HTML ads are creative, faster, lighter, and more secure. These ads run on any device, including non-AMP pages and AMP pages. AMP HTML ads load as fast as content. Faster ad displays can lead to a higher click-through rate and viewability because users are able to view the full ad instantly. As a result, you can boost your campaign ROI.

5. Track your user activity with Google AMP:

Accelerated Mobile Pages is an excellent component that can allow you to track user activity in Google Analytics through amp-analytics. You can easily track or count your visitors, interactions, new vs. returning visitors, and clicks/conversions. As well as, these activity reports will help you to know how you can improve your user experience, and making a great marketing strategy.


Finally, we want to say Google AMP pages have a robust mechanism system, which has a positive effect across all industries, and it will fit into the future of SEO. As well as, if you are a publisher, then you can quickly increase the viewability and click-through rates for your ads, which will improve your web monetization. But before you implement the Google AMP, you need to focus on your user’s behavior and your business niche.

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