SEO Tips

What Is Bounce Rate Of A Website And How Can You Reduce It?

Read The Full Article And Know How Can You Reduce Your Website Bounce Rate.

Do you want to reduce your bounce rate? But you didn’t get the right idea. Then you need to know what is bounce rate and how you can reduce it accurately.

A high bounce rate is one of the most critical factors that can kill your site’s conversion. As well as, it also affects your SEO ranking. Now everyone is trying to reduce their web page bounce rate. But they did not know what they need to do. Now in this article, we’re going to talk about something that can be helpful for your website.

What is Bounce Rate?

Bounce rate is a type of metric that measures the percentage of site visitors who enter on your web pages and then leave immediately without visiting another page. It is generally used as a measurement of a website’s overall engagement. Many webmasters and SEO professionals are using Google Analytics to measure the web page’s bounce rate.

How To Measure Bounce Rate For Your Website

The Google Analytics records all actions which are performed on your web pages. When a user opens a single page on your site, it triggers a session and sends a request to the Google Analytics server.

Besides that, When the Google Analytics server does not accept the second request from the same page, it means that the user has not interacted with the page at all.

How to calculate the Bounce Rate?

It can be calculated by the total number of one-page visits divided by the total number of entries to a website. For example, if the homepage of a website receives 1,000 visitors and 700 of those visitors leave the site after viewing the homepage without interacting with any other pages, then the bounce rate would be 70%. According to Hubspot, they produce a rough benchmark of bounce rates by an industry that shows the average bounce rate across different types of sites.

  • 40% – 60% for content website.
  • 30% – 50% lead generation website.
  • 70% – 90% blog post.
  • 20% – 40% retail / e-commerce websites.
  • 10% – 30% of service websites.
  • 70% – 90% landing pages.

How to reduce your high Bounce Rates

Generally, we can say, high bounce rates might indicate that the page is irrelevant or confusing to the site visitors. So, you need to improve the website in terms of conversions, test new designs, keep up with the latest trends. As well as, you need to take some necessary steps before going to work on it.

1. Improve your page loading speed:

When a user has to wait a long time for page loads, it creates a negative and vulnerable user experience. As well as, page load time is even more crucial for mobile users. According to Google, the loading time for mobile pages is estimated at three seconds. So, try to take necessary action that will not only reduce your bounce rate but also have a positive impact on your rankings and conversions.

2. Focus on your great design and navigation:

A responsive and excellent website design can help you to build trust with a user. It will make your website more convenient for all web users such as desktop, laptop, tablet, and mobile. As well as, an easy and clear navigation system, a quick search box makes the durability and good user experience of your users.

3. Always try to provide relevant information:

If your users cannot find the necessary information easily, they will not spend much time on your site. So, always write appropriate content which is actually needed for your users. As well as, don’t place the irrelevant keywords to attract more traffic. Because it will increase the bounce rate from the website.

4. Minimize the use of Ads on your site:

When you want to make more money from Google AdSense or other forms of advertising, you should follow Google’s guidelines. Using too many ads on your website will be making a negative user experience. Having the right placement of your ad will increase the user’s attention perfectly. So, you can easily attract users to your specific destination.

5. Use your Internal link building strategy wisely:

Always try to use internal links to keep your website users on your webpage permanently. Using this technique, you can encourage your users to interact with your content and view more pages from your website. Moreover, it also helps your users to navigate to the exact points easily what they are actually looking for. So, internal linking not only helps users read more about a certain topic but it’s also good for SEO and bounce rate.

6. Create the best Call-to-Action messages for your audience:

Call-to-action (CTA) is a type of marketing term specifically designing for product sales such as “Shop now“, “Explore more” or “Buy now“. These terms allow you to engage your customers and get instant feedback from them. So, try to create the best CTA to increase your conversion and sales.

7. Show your credibility for decreasing the Bounce Rate:

It is not easy to gain trust in new business. A new user doesn’t know how good your business is and what kind of reputation you have earned. At present, consumers are getting more smarter every day. So, when they enter a website, they thoroughly test whether it is trustworthy or not. You can show any special seals, certificates, or awards to make the site secure in order to help a user trust a site. This way you can build credibility and increase the trust with visitors, of your products or services.

Bounce Rate Report In Google Analytics


Finally, we want to say the bounce rate is an important metric that can improve the efficiency of your website. If you want to decrease your bounce rate then, follow the above methods appropriately. We hope you will get a better result as well as you will get rank well on search engines.

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