Web Solution

How To Choose A Domain Name – 10 Best Tips

Follow These Tips To Choose A Perfect Domain Name For Your Website.

If you want to make a virtual identity of your business or organization or whatever else, you need to choose a domain name for that.

For making a website, the first thing you have to decide its name, which will create the first impressions in front of your consumers. So, it is a very significant thing for your online presence.

The domain is the name of your website, and it is slightly different from choosing a name for offline purposes. There was a time when the internet had very few sites and a large number of domain names where available. But now the internet is congested. Now you should care about some points before choosing the domain name for your website.

In this article, we will discuss some of the excellent tips to choose a perfect domain name for your web platform.

1. Go for branded name over the generic names:

Before understanding the distinction, you have to understand what generic names are and what are branded names.  Let’s take an instance.

Suppose you choose a name about foodonline.com or onlinefood.com. You can try orderfoodonline.com. These are the generic names for your website. Here you can see by the domain you can clearly define it is an online food website where people can order food online.

Go For Branded Domain Names To Beat The Competition

On the other hand, we pick up an online food delivery platform, which is quietly famous nowadays. We take Zomato as an example. It is a trendy online food delivery platform and doing business in many countries.

Here the competition in generic terms is very high because almost will try to take that domain name, and similar types of domains are already doing the business. Instead of the generic one, Zomato is cutting through the noise as the name perspective, it is unique, and it is out of the competition. So, it would be great if you go for brandable domain names. Here you need to focus on several other things which we will describe in the next section of this article while you are choosing a domain name.

2. Keep it short:

Keep Your Domain Name Short

Buyers always more prefer short domain names. Short domain names are easy to remind. When people visit any website, they hardly remember the design of the site, where the icons were placed, and other decorative elements were. Instead of that, visitors just try to remember the name of your website. If it is short, people can remind it easily, and in the future, they can revisit it by typing your website name. It is hard to remember big names.

3. Avoid the number and hyphens:

Avoid Using The Number And Hyphens On Your Domain Name

You may watch so many website names containing the number and hyphens hut it is not right for the people. It makes people confused because when we hear about the name of the website, we literally do not think that it would have numerical or have hyphens. If someone tells us abc9.com, we will imagine it as abcnine.com. Similarly, if a website name is ab-c.com, people will consider it as abc.com. So when they enter the domain name, either they will move to another website, or they will see this site cannot be reached. So, avoid the number and hyphens.

4. Do not forget the keywords while choosing a domain name :

Use Keywords To Your Domain Name To Get S E O Benefit

To overcome the cutthroat competition on the internet and become on the top of Google, you must take approaches to search engine optimization. For the best SEO practices, you have to target keywords related to your niche and your audience. You should choose a domain name that contains the main keyword of your website. That is necessary because it will affect search engine optimization. The best practice you can follow is to make a combined name with your brand and the keyword. Suppose your brand name is Xyz, and your targeted keyword is “cooking,” so it would great if you choose the domain name as “xyzcooking.com” or cookingxyz.com.”

5. Try to choose simple and easily pronounceable ones:

Avoid the difficult domain names for your website. People are more effortlessly remember the names which are easy to pronounce. Especially on a telephonic or face to face conversation, the simple and easy names come fluently.

6. Choose the domains easy to type:

If you are searching for a perfect domain name, you have to look is it easily typeable. The easiness should not only in pronouncing but also writing. You should avoid using complicated names or using tough words, which people cannot type easily.

7. Choose specific terms:

Choose Specific Terms On Your Domain Name

If you have any targeted website and want to choose a domain name for that, you can use those particular terms there. For example, if you have a local business or targeting any specific audience, you can use it on your domain name. Suppose you are supposed to make a local news website, you can use your locality name on your domain name. That would be great because local people often try to search local news or “the locality name” and then news.

8. Do research is there any copyright issues?

Do Research To Avoid Trademark Claims

Before you choose a domain name, make sure there is no trademark related to that. If there are already any trademark registered and you continue to use that domain name, you might face serious trouble from the trademark owner. Especially if you are going to start a business with an already registered trademark, you may face a lawsuit, and you might need to give compensation for that.

9. Look availability on various social platforms:

Look For Social Media Availability

Over the past few years, different social media platforms playing a serious role in gaining popularity, reaching to broad number audience and increase sales. That’s why having social pages related to your website and a domain name is necessary. So, before finalizing the website name, make sure it is available on mainstream social media platforms.

10. Chose the perfect domain name extension:

The extension means what comes after your domain name. For example, you are on twistarticle.com, which’s an extension is”.com.” The most popular extension is “.com,” and the lion’s share of domain names has the “.com” extension. However, there are numerous extensions present, and they are as follows.

.org: Nonprofit organizations typically use these types of extensions.

.co: This is used by companies or business websites.

.gov: Like its name, it is used by government agencies and cannot be purchased by any business or individual.

.me: Typically used to create personal blog websites or platforms for personal usage.

.info: This extension is used for informative websites.

Choose The Perfect Domain Extension

However, if you are going to run a website only for any specific country, you can choose a wise country extension too. For example, websites that are India centric “.in” extension can be used for them.

These are the tips you can follow, which may help you to choose a domain name for your website. Besides, we are giving you some extra information regarding that.

Pro tips on how to choosing a domain name:

  • Once you have decided to purchase the domain name, buy all popular extensions of it. For example, if you buy the name “abc.com,” you should consider buying other popular extensions with your domain name. It is essential because if your website becomes a huge success, people might buy the other extension and build a similarly named website and manipulate your audience. That will be a very bad thing for you. So, you should buy all popular extensions like”.net,” “.co,” “.your country extension.” That’s how no one can confuse your audiences.
  • After selecting the domain, buy it as soon as possible. On the internet, so many domains are being sold and parked every moment. So, once you have decided to purchase it do that immediately. If you want to buy domains, there are so many platforms from where you can buy domain names. In this regard, Godaddy is a very renowned company. You can search for domains from below.

Find Your Domain

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