
Xiaomi Unveils New Logo and Brand Identity

Global technology leader Xiaomi has unveiled a brand new logo and philosophical “Alive” brand identity ahead of its 11th Anniversary.

Xiaomi said that its “refreshed new corporate visual identity” will help “strengthen Xiaomi’s foothold in the premium market while raising brand awareness with its audiences through its new dynamic logo.”

“Xiaomi’s brand new logo was designed by a world-renowned designer, professor of Musashino Art University, and the President of the Nippon Design Center (NDC), Kenya HARA. Adopting a softer, rounder contour on the corners of the previously squared logo, along with redesigned “MI” typography, the new logo is now more aesthetically pleasing. Corporate color remains orange to continue to convey the liveliness and youthfulness of Xiaomi. Black and silver will also be used as supplemental colors to accommodate high-end product line applications,” the company wrote in a blog.

Further, Xiaomi states that the new logo has adopted a new “dynamic logo format for the first time” in the industry. This essentially means that as the new logo has more rounded corners now, it automatically adapts to any content without perfect alignment. As a result, it can be placed at the most suitable position on a product or any content.

So, with the new logo and brand identity, Xiaomi is now aiming to make its name in the premium segment of the market. As a result, we can expect some new high-end product lineups, as well as an electric vehicle, in the coming years.

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