
Video shows cop berating Tablighi Jamaat management over COVID-19 fears

<br>”Those who are there, get them out of here immediately. If you people do not agree it will not be right. You must listen to us,” Walia told the Tabligi Jamaat members.

All the warnings of the SHO were ignored by the event managers. Due to which crowd of thousands was present at Jamaat on March 24. Even after this, the people here stayed put. In the video, the SHO is clearly heard saying that no more than five people will gather in Markaz.

It is not as if the video was secretly created as Inspector Walia is repeatedly and openly saying that “I am making a video of my conversation. Everything is also being recorded on CCTV. You people are not obeying even after I’m saying it again and again.”

In the video, the inspector further says, “I have warned you many times. Even after this one and a half to two thousand people have always been in markaz. Why after all? All religious places are closed. There is nothing in it for my interest. You people will survive only if you maintain distance. “

When all this had no effect on the Markaz members, the SHOs get annoyed saying ” I warned you again and again. Warning granted.”

At one point in the video, the SHO Markaz appears to give notice to the management.

IANS spoke to SHO Walia about this entire video. He said, “The video is of March 23 or 24. In the video I explained to the management of Markaz. I was explaining to these people about the situation, that they should immediately disperse the crowd. I also gave notice to them in writing. The government will arrange buses immediately to remove the crowd.”


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