
Bengal Congress chief files police complaint against Arnab Goswami

Kolkata, April 23 (IANS) West Bengal Pradesh Congress President Somen Mitra on Thursday filed a police complaint against Republic TV Editor-in-Chief Arnab Goswami under various sections of the Indian Penal Code dealing with sedition, inciting religious groups with the intent to provoke animosity and causing breach of peace.

The complaint lodged at the Entally police station in central Kolkata accused Goswami of making “wild and baseless” allegations against Congress President Sonia Gandhi, intending to cause breach of public order and delivering a hate speech.

Mitra alleged that Goswami’s statements while anchoring a show on Republic Bharat channel on Tuesday cast “serious aspersions” on the Maharashtra government and state Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray, accusing him of favouring one religious group over another.

Mitra also appealed to the state Congress workers to register police complaint against Goswami in all the police stations of the state.



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