
YouTube Partner Program Eligibility Extended- Creators Need To Comply With This

YouTube Partner Program eligibility now has new criteria regarding Community Guidelines strikes on creators channel.
If a creator has any Community Guidelines strikes on their channel, their channel won’t get monetized even when they full fill all other requirements.
YouTube Partner Program is the native monetization method to monetize YouTube videos. After joining the program, Google AdSense starts serving ads on the videos. A couple of years ago, YouTube imposed eligibility criteria to be able to join the program.
Before this criteria addition, creators would require to complete 4000 hours of watch time in the last 12 months and 1000 subscribers. If any creator has this all and the YPP(YouTube Partner Program) program is available in their country, they got their ad serving enabled.
But, this time, YouTube included this strike-related update. Any creator who has completed the 4000 hours of watch time and 1000 subscribers but still has any strike will likely get their application rejected for YPP joining. So, creators need to solve the community strike issue first before the application.

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