
With 125 new cases, AP’s COVID-19 tally touches 3,843

Amaravati, June 8 (IANS) Andhra Pradesh continued to register 3-digit tallies, with 125 COVID-19 cases tracked on Monday. Starting with the all-time high of 161 cases on Saturday, for the past 3 days, the state has been reporting single day tallies above the 100-mark.

The state nodal officer reported that 125 positive cases were detected in the state during the 24 hours ending 9 a.m. on Monday.

The cumulative tally of COVID-19 cases in Andhra Pradesh now stands at 3,843 cases.

Meanwhile, the tally of active cases in the state has climbed to 1,381 from Sunday’s figure of 1,290.

Monday saw the discharge of 34 persons from hospitals, raising the cumulative tally of cured persons to 2,387 from the overnight figure of 2,353.

The state’s recovery rate dropped to 56.33 per cent on Monday, from 58.32 per cent. In terms of recovery rates, Andhra Pradesh ranks sixth among the states of the country. The national average for recovery stands at 48.36 per cent which has climbed nominally from the 48.2 per cent recorded on Sunday.

The state nodal officer stated that compared to 17,695 samples on Sunday, relatively lower numbers of tests were conducted in the last 24 hours, with only 14,246 tests being conducted. Andhra Pradesh has tested 469276 samples till date, lagging only behind Rajasthan with 506,784, Maharashtra with 553,063, and Tamil Nadu with 592,970 tests conducted so far.

In all, India has conducted 4,774,434 tests till date.

No deaths were reported in the preceding 24 hours, leaving the death toll in the state unchanged at 75.

On Monday, Andhra Pradesh’s mortality rate slipped to 1.56 per cent from the 1.64 per cent clocked the previous day. It ranks 10th among the states of India, according to figures released by the Andhra Pradesh government on Saturday.

In comparison, India’s mortality rate currently stands at 2.78 per cent.

On Sunday, the cumulative tally of COVID-19 cases among returnees from other states further rose to 838 from the Sunday figure of 810 cases. The tally of active cases climbed to 520 from the 508 cases reported on Sunday.

Meanwhile, 16 persons from this category were discharged on Monday. With one new case detected among foreign returnees, the cumulative tally climbed to 132. However, the tally of active cases in this category remained 126 even as 1 person was discharged on Monday.



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