
US should respect int’l maritime regulation: Iran

Tehran, April 28 (IANS) The Iranian Armed Forces said that the vessels of the US and its allies should respect international regulations while passing through Tehran’s southern waters in the Sea of Oman and the Gulf.

The Iranian Armed Forces said in a statement on monday that those vessels should avoid creating any tension or conflict in the region, reports Xinhua news agency.

Any “illegal and provocative move” will face crushing response of the Iranian Armed Forces, it said.

Last week, Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) called for full withdrawal of all American forces from the West Asia after naval disputes erupted between both sides in the Gulf.

On April 22, US President Donald Trump had said on Wednesday that he has ordered the US Navy to shoot down and destroy Iranian gunboats if they harass their ships at the southern waters of Iran.

Before Trump’s statement, the US Navy had earlier said in a statement that 11 military vessels of IRGC conducted “dangerous and provocative actions” near US Navy and Coast Guard ships in international waters in the Gulf on April 15.

Hossein Salami, chief commander of the IRGC, dismissed Trump’s claims, saying that the US’ “unprofessional and hazardous” behaviour caused the IRGC Navy vessels’ confrontation with the American vessels.



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