
UK Business Secy tests negative for COVID-19

London, June 5 (IANS) Alok Sharma, the UK’s Indian-origin Business Secretary, tested negative for COVID-19 after fell ill in the House of Commons, the media reported.

The Minister went into self-isolation on Wednesday after showing symptoms while in the chamber delivering the second reading of the Corporate Governance and Insolvency Bill, reports the Metro newspaper.

A spokeswoman for Sharma confirmed on Thursday evening that he was not infected and would be able to come out of self-isolation.

The Business Secretary later confirmed the news on Twitter, saying: “Huge thanks to everyone for their really kind messages over the last 24 hours and my grateful thanks also to the parliamentary authorities and Speaker for their support yesterday.”

The confirmation came amidst mounting concerns that Sharma could have passed on the virus after he shared a 45-minute meeting in person with Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who was infected with COVID-19 in March, and Chancellor Rishi Sunak in Downing Street on Tuesday morning.



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