
Top S.Korea, US envoys hold phone talks

Seoul, Sep 2 (IANS) The top nuclear envoys of South Korea and the US held phone talks on Wednesday over issues on the Korean Peninsula, according to Seoul’s Foreign Ministry.

Lee Do-hoon, South Korea’s special representative for Korean Peninsula’s peace and security affairs, spoke with Deputy US Secretary of State Stephen Biegun, who is also the chief nuclear negotiator, reports Xinhua news agency.

Lee and Biegun shared view over the recent situations in the Korean Peninsula, agreeing to the need to rapidly resume talks between Seoul and Pyongyang and between Washington and Pyongyang in a bid to make substantive progress for the peninsula’s complete denuclearization and the lasting peace settlement.

The nuclear envoys discussed how to create conditions and push for the complete denuclearization and the peace settlement, the Ministry said.

The two sides agreed to more close communications and cooperation on the North Korean issues bilaterally and multilaterally by actively making use of the scheduled international diplomatic events.

Denuclearization talks between the North Korea and the US have been stalled since the second summit between Pyongyang leader Kim Jong-un and American President Donald Trump ended without an agreement in February 2019 in Hanoi.

Choi and Biegun agreed to meet as early as possible to discuss overall bilateral issues and regional situations, the Ministry added.



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