
Top 11 Disruptive technologies that are changing the world in 2021 and Beyond

In the year 2020, the pandemic of covid 19 has hit hard on the worldwide economy. But still, apart from all the negative impacts, some technologies have made a significant advancement throughout every industry in such hard times. These technology trends include Artificial Intelligence, 5G, virtual reality and augmented reality, and many more.

These emerging technologies are very helpful in the growth of business organizations. And we know many businesses helping peers to transform their business ideas into innovative custom technology solutions, leading them to get through tough times. In every sector, businesses are bound to adopt digital transformation strategies. And hence now, all of them can reap the benefits from disruptive technologies in this year and beyond.

The Top disruptive technology trends that are changing the world

5G technology:

The buzz about 5G is going around and it is going to become a reality this year. It is a reliable and faster connection and is already permitted network installation in various countries around the world.
The pandemic has advanced the practices of online teaching and works from home systems so as now the digital collaboration of the businesses, telecommunication, video conference, and many more are becoming an integral part of our lives, we would need faster internet speeds more than ever.

This made it clear for the telecom companies that people are going to need the latest 5G technology. So they started making arrangements and installations so that this network system can be used for various tools like IoT. Businesses that have started using 5G technology networks have noted that faster networks have improved their work efficiency and shortened a product cycle.

Growing Demand for Ethical AI:

Innovations in the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning have always ignored the ethical aspects of their solutions. But with the advancements of employee participation in the organization and value-based customers, businesses are responsibly managing AI.

Data ethics is critical when customers are sharing their data with the companies to get an enhanced user experience. Database management practices in AI and machine learning solutions represent how well the companies value their customer’s opinions and privacy.

Integration of AR Glasses:

The very popular augmented reality glasses are now going to be connected with your smartphones in the year 2021. The design is prepared where a smartphone can work as a computing platform for AR glasses. This is a strategic move that can reduce both the weight and cost of AR glasses.

Also, the development of 5G technology in smartphones will turn out to be empowering the AR trend to run applications easily. It also increases the computing power of smartphones which is useful in offering audio-visual entertainment functionalities. So, it won’t be a big surprise if you see smartphones-connected AR glasses in the market on a large scale this year.

Re-evaluation of Automation Roadmaps:

Back-office processes are transforming rapidly through digital transformation strategies adopted because of the pandemic. The strength of the business is increased by infusing digital process automation with AI in everyday functions. The progression of such disruptive technologies guides companies through difficult times and helps them become more proficient while extending their business operations.

Customer Data Platforms (CDP):

Data is crucial for the business. They offer valuable insights. But to get those insights, an organization needs to pull pieces of information from various sources. And then the curators, data scientists, and other experts need to work relentlessly to extract actionable insights from that data and turn them into convenient business operations.

Trillions of dollars go wasted just because of the use of terrible data. So, business organizations must take some immediate actions on this issue. Fortunately in the year 2021, there is one disruptive innovation that can help you gather the data from different sources, organize them, tag them, and make them actionable. And the name of this innovation is customer data platforms.

Driver Monitoring Systems (DMS):

Automotive safety technology has now moved to in-vehicles apps rather than outside. It uses sensory innovation to incorporate driver status by continuously checking out the external environments. And in the last few years, automotive AI integration has become much more than just entertainment and driver assistance features. It has become an empowered agent of automated safety.

Also, the emergence of dynamic, solid, and accurate camera systems is so disruptive that its utilization is essential to the most critical functions of the driver monitoring system. So, if you want to see the advancement in the autonomous driving system then you must make improvements in driver monitoring systems. Because it is used to serve many types of functions in an autonomous driving system at the same time like driver capability assessment, real-time detection or notifications, and taking over the controls whenever it seems necessary.

Cloud-native Technologies:

The local cloud technology if incubated within the open-sourced public clouds then it might foster quickly. It could be installed at various places to cover a larger area in comparison to the public cloud. Cloud-native technologies like serverless computing and container platforms are proclaiming the period from 2021 and at least the upcoming five years of distributed enterprise software from cloud suppliers, edge suppliers, and software developers.

Cybersecurity Mesh:

Do you want to get to any type of security asset and that too irrespective of its location? If yes, then you must use a cybersecurity mesh. The biggest benefit of using this disruptive technology is that it allows individuals to place a security divider around specific people instead of putting it across the entire organization. This would save both money and resources.

The covid pandemic has led to a sudden rise in the numbers of remote workers and cloud technology can affect the company’s assets if it is outside the edge of a business organization. But with the help of the cybersecurity mesh, companies now can cover their employees who are working remotely in the security border and can ensure the safety of their assets.

Internet of Things:

In the concept of the Internet of Things coined by Kevin Ashton, he refers to them as uniquely identified objects and that they are represented virtually in an internet-like structure.

How about this – you are equipped with every single object in the world with minuscule identifying devices or some machine-readable identifiers like barcodes or QR codes. This can totally change the way you live your life. All of these objects will be connected in a network with sensors and actuators to collect data, monitoring, process optimization, and decisions making.

Such disruptive innovations can be effectively used in industry verticals like healthcare, mining, manufacturing, and so on. Of course, it has some limitations and threats of its own. But then again if you are going to connect billions of smart devices then there will obviously be a chance of some security threat. However, this technology is making advancements in the year 2021 and will show some promising results in the upcoming years.

Blockchain Technology:

Blockchain is one of those disruptive technologies that is changing the face of the online payment industry. It enables you to manage all the transactions and data transfer through a peer-to-peer decentralized network. This technology trend is also used for data storage, database management, and data transfer in hospitals, banks, and other sectors.

If you have ever heard about bitcoin or cryptocurrency then it’s part of blockchain technology. It is mainly used for making digital currency transactions. And with the emergence of digitalization amidst this pandemic, blockchain is booming and will continue to disrupt the conventional currency market in the upcoming years.

Virtual Reality:

Virtual reality has been proved to be a disruptive technology in many sectors including gaming. If you like playing games, watching videos, and animation then the concept of virtual reality will change the way you experience them for the better and forever. It creates a digital world around you and tries to connect and make interactions with the real world.

This technology can be very effective for the marketing sector. The marketing team can use it to their advantage to offer potential customers a hint of experience for what or how they would feel if they used their company’s product.


I hope after reading this article you have found what you have come looking for – disruptive technologies of the present and near future. We had prepared this list because we know they are already impacting businesses around the world and will keep doing so in the future. You can opt for these technologies to make a better product or solution for your customers or to solve your business needs. And if you want to become a professional then you can select one of these technologies to make a career in. If you have some more suggestions to add to the list then please let me know in the comments section below.

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