
Slain terrorists in Shopian may include top AGH commander

Srinagar, April 29 (IANS) The top Ansar Ghazwat-ul-Hind (AGH) commander in Kashmir, Burhan Koka, and two of his associates are said to be among the three militants killed in Shopian on Wednesday.

The encounter started on Tuesday night after security forces had an input about the presence of Burhan Koka and two of his associates.

According to sources, Burhan Koka was initially associated with Hizbul Mujahideen before joining AGH.

Sources said the killing of the three has dealt a major blow to AGH in Kashmir. All three of them are local militants.

However, the police have not revealed the identity of the slain terrorists. In a press statement, the police said the identity of the slain terrorists is being ascertained.

The medico legal formalities of the slain terrorists are being done. The police said incriminating materials, including arms and ammunition, were also recovered from the encounter site.

Sources said as part of a new strategy, security agencies avoid identifying the bodies for their burial at two designated spots at Baramulla and Sonmarg.

There has been a spurt in anti-militancy operations in the Valley. In the last two weeks, 16 militants have been killed in different encounters across Kashmir.



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