
Shreyas Talpade’s pet brings emotional peace during COVID-19

Mumbai, March 27 (IANS) Actor Shreyas Talpade feels that at a time when people are forced to stay indoors, pets can take over the job to keep the family calm.

“There are innumerable benefits that come with having a pet, including making you responsible and committed,” said Shreyas.

The actor, who recently became a father, says he finds magic in his 10-year-old labrador.

“Since the time Aadya was born, Don has started demanding more attention. So he’s no longer the calm dog that he used to be and really keeps us on our toes!”, said Shreyas, who finds his day spent between his dog and his new baby.

“But jokes apart, when Don sits quietly near me, he calms me down completely. I keep petting him and in a couple of minutes I start feeling the change within,” he added.



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