
SBI Warns 2 Million Users May Be At Risk Of Phishing Attacks

State Bank of India said it suspects that 2 million users could be the victims of a potential cyber attack by online scammers using the bait of COVID-19.

According to the report, SBI tweeted that the possibility of this cyber attack could fall on major cities in India like Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Chennai, and Ahmedabad.

SBI has issued an advisory saying, “We have received a worrying report from Computer Emergency Response Team India (CERT) that the phishing attack is expected to be carried out by cybercriminals using the suspicious email – from 21st June.”

“The cybercriminals are claiming to have 2 million individual/citizen’s email IDs and are planning to send an email with subject “Free COVID-19 Testing” inciting personal details.

The Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-IN) has issued an advisory warning that potential phishing attacks could mimic government agencies, departments, and commercial entities. “The phishing campaign will be published under the guise of government agencies, departments and trade associations, which are responsible for overseeing the distribution of government funding,” it stated.

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