
Robert Vadra urges people to stay at home

New Delhi, March 25 (IANS) After Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the longest ever stay at home order to curb the spread of COVID-19 and asked the citizens to adhere to the lockdown, Robert Vadra, husband of Priyanka Gandhi who is active on the social media, urged the citizens to stay at home for their own safety.

“We should unite to defeat the coronavirus. Stay at home for 21 days, this is for our safety,” wrote Vadra on Facebook.

Vadra on Monday had posted his exercise video on the social media and said: “As we are all self isolated, we must channelise our energy to the best method.”

A known fitness freak, Vadra said, “Keep working out… The correct action to take in the prevailing circumstances… Keep working and make the efforts for workouts at home, its imperative.”

He gave tips on how to exercise while at home, “All these exercises look difficult, but put your mind to it and you will be surprised of your achievements.

“You do not need weights. Your own body weight and a determined mind. Four sets of 25 reps each. Alternate with Jump jacks. Get the adrenalin flowing and have a stimulating day,” said Vadra.

At the same time, he also cautioned everybody: “Sanitise before and after, and stay healthier.”



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