
Remove Shaheen Bagh protestors, BJP MP urges govt

New Delhi, March 18 (IANS) Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP Ramesh Bidhuri urged the government in the Lok Sabha on Wednesday to clear the public place occupied by protesters at Shaheen Bagh in the capital, saying it was creating trouble for the common people.

Bidhuri said over 500,000 people commuting between Delhi and Noida in UP were facing problems since the protest started in mid-December 2019 after the Citizenship (Amendment) Bill was passed by Parliament.

“The government should clear the road at Shaheen Bagh as over 500,000 commuters are facing trouble travelling between Delhi and Noida. Even ambulances are not allowed to pass through,” said Bidhuri during Zero Hour.

He said the protest at Shaheen Bagh was continuing despite the police and Southeast district administration official visiting the site on Tuesday and urging them to vacate the area in the wake of coronavirus outbreak.

To prevent spread of coronavirus, the Delhi government has banned any gathering of more than 50 people but the anti-CAA agitators are adamant to continue the protest.

The Shaheen Bagh protest began on December 15, 2019 — two days after the law got President Ram Nath Kovind’s nod. The law allows six non-Muslim minority communities — Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, Parsis, Christians and Sikhs — facing religious persecution in Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Pakistan and migrated to India on or before December 31, 2014, to seek Indian citizenship.



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