
Posters in Patna decry earlier RJD ‘husband-wife govt’

Patna, June 10 (IANS) As political activities heat up in the run-up to the Bihar Assembly elections slated to be held in April-May 2021, posters decrying the earlier Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) government in the eastern state appeared in state capital Patna on Wednesday.

In the posters, the RJD government headed by party supremo Lalu Prasad’s wife Rabri Devi was dubbed a ‘husband-wife government’.

Though there was not mention of who had pasted the posters, it was suspected that it was the work of supporters of the ruling NDA alliance, of which Janata Dal-United leader and Chief Minister Nitish Kumar is an ally.

The posters, carrying the pictures of Lalu, Rabri, former MP Mohammad Shahabuddin and RJD leader Raj Ballabh Yadav, mentioned cases of kidnapping, murder, looting, and extortions etc.

The posters claimed that during its 15 years in power, the RJD government only meant business, ending with the remark that it was not a case of bad governance but absence of governance.



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