
PM Narendra Modi changes Twitter profile picture to mark 100 cr COVID vaccinations

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has changed the profile picture of his Twitter account to mark the major milestone of India achieving 100 crore vaccine doses.

His new display image features a vial of the coronavirus vaccine, with the message ‘congratulations India’ plastered across it.

“India scripts history. We are witnessing the triumph of Indian science, enterprise, and collective spirit of 130 crore Indians,” the Prime Minister tweeted on Thursday, soon after the country’s vaccination drive crossed the 100-crore mark.

The countrywide vaccination drive was rolled out on January 16 with health care workers (HCWs) getting inoculated in the first phase. India took 85 days to touch the 10-crore vaccination mark, 45 more days to cross the 20-crore mark and 29 more days to reach the 30-crore mark, according to the Union Health Ministry data.

The country took 24 days to reach the 40-crore mark from 30-crore doses and then 20 more days to surpass the 50-crore vaccination mark on August 6. It then took 76 days to go past the 100-crore mark.

As for achieving this milestone, WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus congratulated Modi, scientists, health workers, and citizens of India for equitable vaccine distribution.

“Congratulations, Prime Minister @narendramodi, the scientists, #healthworkers and people of #India, on your efforts to protect the vulnerable populations from #COVID19 and achieve #VaccinEquity targets,” he said in a tweet.

Meanwhile, India reported 15,786 fresh COVID-19 infections and 231 deaths in the last 24 hours, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare informed on Friday.

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