
People not following social distancing ‘irresponsible, selfish’: Hamilton

London, March 23 (IANS) Formula One champion Lewis Hamilton has called people — who are not following advice on social distancing during the coronavirus pandemic — as “irresponsible and selfish”.

“I’m praying for my family’s safety each day but I’m also praying for you out there,” BBC Sport quoted Hamilton as saying.

The 35-year-old Briton added: “There are people out there still going to clubs and bars and large gatherings, which I feel is totally irresponsible and selfish.

“There is nothing we can do about it either way except try to isolate ourselves, stop ourselves from catching it and spreading it.

“I’m praying for those working at the local store, deliverers, doctors and nurses who put their own health at risk to help others and keep the countries running.

“Those are the heroes. Please stay safe, people,” he further said.

Hamilton has put himself in self isolation after coming in contact with two people who later tested for novel coronavirus.

The six-time world champion, in a post he made on social media last week, revealed he had self-isolated in the past week after learning actor Elba and Justin Trudeau’s wife Sophie had tested positive for the virus.



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