
Pak seeks custody of ISIS terrorist who killed Sikhs in Kabul

<br>Sources said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs summoned the ambassador of Afghanistan to Pakistan, asking for Aslam Farooqi’s custody.

Afghan security forces on April 5 had arrested Farooqi involved in the massacre of around 25 Sikhs in a terror attack on a gurudwara in Kabul on March 25.

As per an official statement, Islamabad sought Farooqi’s custody for investigation because he is allegedly involved in anti-Pakistan activities in Afghanistan.

The Pakistani government “underlined that the two sides should coordinate actions against the menace of terrorism, including through established mechanisms.”

However, according to Indian intelligence sources, Farooqi is closely associated with Pakistan-sponsored terror network in Afghanistan. The Pakistani security agencies, sources said, persuaded Farooqi to surrender only to get him freed using diplomatic channels with Afghanistan.

Incidentally, Pakistan security forces allowed former spokesperson for Taliban, Ehsanullah Ehsan, responsible for terror attacks on Malala Yousufzai and Peshawar Army Public, to escape from their custody recently.


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