
Only 12% Indian adopting self-quarantine to fight Covid-19

New Delhi, March 23 (IANS) With the number of novel coronavirus (Covid-19) patients reaching 433 in India, only 12 per cent people said that they have adopted self- quarantine to combat the pandemic, a survey report said on Monday.

The findings were revealed by the IANS C-Voter-Gallup International Association Tracker 1 that was conducted in 22 countries, in which more than 22,000 interviews were conducted — an exclusive first Global Poll on Covid-19.

In each country, a resentative sample of men and women was interviewed over the last two weeks either face to face, via telephone or online.

According to the poll, only 12 cent Indians have adopted the step of self-quarantining to protect themselves from Covid-19, while 88 per cent people are still have not taken any precautions.

The survey also said that only nine per cent people globally are adopting for self quarantining as a precaution to stop the spread.

The survey also said that in Italy, which has been worst hit by the pandemic with over 6,000 deaths, only 31 per cent of the people have gone in for self quarantine, while in Francen, which is not that badly-hit, 70 per cent people have adopted it.

The survey said that in Pakistan, only three per cent of its population took the precaution of self-quarantine.



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