
Nutrition in pregnancy during summer

<br>A mother should avoid gaining excessive weight, “She must try to prevent gestational diabetes and hypertension too. A healthy lifestyle is very important. Especially during summers when most of us tend to eat less. A Pregnant woman must take extra care in terms of what she eats so that her baby grows in a healthy way and she still stays fit,” believes Dr Mahima Bakshi, Mother and Child wellness consultant at Madhukar Rainbow Children’s Hospital and author of ‘Birthing Natural’.

Trimester one<br>Plenty of fluids as mostly women can feel nauseous in this phase<br>Coconut water, smoothies, fresh juices, soups, milk and buttermilk can be great options.<br>Avoid tea coffee as it can worsen the acidity or morning sickness however chamomile tea can help in reducing nausea.<br>Also fruit like watermelon and veggies like cucumber contain good hydration.<br>Small frequent meals help in preventing nausea.<br> <br>Trimester two<br>Appetite increases, hence avoid indulging in junk food or outside food.<br>Prefer home cooked food with good protein, simple carbs and lots of vitamin rich foods like fruits veggies, daal, chicken, paneer.<br>Iron rich sources like green veggies, carrot and beetroot are important.<br>A handful of nuts must be taken for good omega fatty acid. Enjoy eating and enjoy the food cravings. But ensure that you do not gain too much weight suddenly.<br>The weight gain must be gradual. Breathing relaxation exercises and prenatal yoga is helpful to maintain a gradual weight gain.<br> <br>Trimester three<br>Appetite slows down as digestion slows down hence some physical activity and prenatal exercises help.<br>Body prepares for labour so some good fats help – nuts, cooking oils, avocado, fish can be great option.<br>Flax seeds also help as a good source of omega.<br>Small frequent meals are better than large heavy meals.<br>Many develop constipation during this phase due to hormonal changes and reduced digestion.<br>Hence lots of fibre in the diet is important. Flax seeds, dates, bananas, nuts and plenty of water will help.<br> <br>All in all, to-be mothers should stay active, exercise to stay fit and prefer to eat home cooked fresh food at frequent intervals.<br>Avoid large heavy meals, maintain good hydration and take lots of fruits and veggies. Seasonal fruits is always a better option. And add lots of natural probiotics to your diet to maintain a healthy gut flora in the body.

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