
NSUI activists stage protest against NEP 2020

New Delhi, Aug 11 (IANS) The National Students’ Union of India (NSUI) activists on Monday staged a protest march to Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) office in response to the anti-student policies and demanded fee waiver for six months.

The NSUI activists were led by General Secretary Nagesh Kariyappa and they demanded a fee waiver for six months and a postponement of all exams till novel coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic situation becomes suitable to conduct exams.

Speaking to media, Kariyappa said, “We are reporting the maximum number of cases per day around the world and still MHRD is insisting on conducting exams. This has to stop.”

He also said that besides all this the government is trying to wash its hands and sell the entire education sector to private players through National Education Policy (NEP), 2020.

“The NEP 2020 is anti-reservation. This would devastate our education sector,” he said.

The NSUI leader also said that the common man is struggling to meet its daily needs and the government is forcing students to pay fees.

“The government should be compassionate and sensible at this moment and waive off the fees for six months,” he demanded.



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