
MP sheds caution as ‘Unlock 1.0’ starts

Bhopal, June 2 (IANS) Madhya Pradesh’s march into ‘Unlock 1.0’ on Monday was expected to be marked by cautious optimism but the state which is placed sixth among the nation’s worst corona-affected states threw caution to the winds.

Monday’s figures hardly held any cheering message. With 194 new positive cases reported on Monday the total reached 8,283. Indore reported 53 new cases and Bhopal 44. There were eight deaths on Monday.

The rush on the streets at Bhopal and Indore, the two key hotspots, gave no hint of scare that dominated the scene for over two months.

Unlock 1.0 bars movement only in the Containment Area. Red and Green zones are abolished. Meanwhile, the state government decided to give relief from e-pass. Now permission will not be required to move out of the state.

Health Minister Narottam Mishra seemed more concerned about political mileage from crisis. He continued to parrot the district collector’s line that Madhya Pradesh got its virus from Indore where Jamaatis had brought it from Dubai.

Indore’s first case was found on 24 March, a couple of days after the BJP wrested power in the state.

Though the unlock 1.0 will continue till June 30, private and government offices (excluding containment areas) within the municipal limits of Bhopal, Indore, Ujjain will be open with 50 per cent staff while in the rest of the state with 100 per cent attendance. Many restrictions are gradually being unlocked to bring back business activities.

Public buses will run with 50 per cent capacity in other divisions except Indore, Ujjain, Bhopal. The decision on starting interstate buses will be taken after June 7. People over 65 years of age, sick persons, pregnant women and children under 10 years of age will not be able to travel without any health reason.

The Habibganj-Nizamuddin Shan-e-Bhopal Express resumed its run on Monday evening. On Sunday night, GRP jawans rehearsed management of traffic at the railway station.

Restrictions over the movement in Bhopal between 7 p.m. to 7 a.m.

Restaurants, hotels, religious places, public places, hotels, restaurants, shopping malls will open from June 8 outside the containment areas. However, curfew will remain in the entire state from 9 a.m. to 5 a.m. The decision to open schools, colleges, coaching institutes will be taken in July after studying the opinion of all the parties.



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