
Manufacture of 20K-25K face masks taken up in Jharkhand district

Ranchi, April 9 (IANS) With the demand for face masks increasing in the wake of spurt in coronavirus cases across the country, 20-25 thousand face masks are being manufactured in Devghar district of Jharkhand.

District Collector Nancy Sahay, who initially got cloth face masks and sanitisers made in the district in anticipation of the demand, has now got an old cloth mill working for the manufacture of three-layered masks.

“The raw material for face masks is sourced from Kolkata whereas the workers have come from Patna. We are now producing 20,000 to 25,000 masks to fulfil the needs of the district and the state,” she said.

The officer said these masks would be given to people at reduced prices, adding that the numbers would be increased to meet demands pouring in from other states.

To ensure that there is no shortage of ration and food for the needy, she has helped set up temporary grain banks and sought people’s cooperation in this regard.



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