
Low mortality, higher recovery rate in India: Niti Aayog CEO

New Delhi, May 19 (IANS) Niti Aayog CEO Amitabh Kant on Tuesday emphasised that total number of novel coronavirus (Covid-19) positive cases is not much important as rate of mortality and recovery rate are critical.

He also said that India has constantly improved the recovery rate as it is 38 per cent now.

In a tweet, Kant, who is also heading one of the empowered committees on Covid-19, said, “It is not the total number of positive cases but the mortality and recovery rates which are critical. We are faring well on both. Fatalities are two per million compared to 275 in the US and 591 in Spain. Our mortality rate is 3 per cent compared to 16 per cent in France. Recovery rate is constantly improving and is now 38 per cent.”

His remarks came on Tuesday, when the total number of Covid-19 cases in India crossed one lakh mark with 1,01,139 cases and 3,163 deaths.

According to the Health Ministry, of the total number of Covid-19 cases, 58,302 are active while at least 39,173 people have been cured from the disease.

At least 134 deaths were reported in the last 24 hours, taking the total fatality count to 3,163.

India announced nationwide lockdown on March 25 to cut the transmission of Covid-19 pandemic. The lockdown has been extended thrice till May 31.



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