
Lockdown helping me design new choreographies: Ashley Lobo

<br>Being the workaholic that he is, Lobo is using the time to design new routines and choreographies. However, since most of these new routines are being taught online, Lobo has had to adapt to a very different sense of space.

“The lockdown is helping me design new routines and choreographies. It is challenging because we are teaching online. For one, the choreography itself has to be very limited. It has to involve more micro moves and something that does not take too much space. Any steps that involve traveling across the floor have to be omitted,” Ashley Lobo said.

Ashley is renowned for his Prana Paint technique, a unique sensitizing approach developed by him that explores movement through yoga, breath, connectivity and touch. This notable technique has put him on the international map and led to him being invited to teach and choreograph overseas.

His style of choreography has a strong influence of cinematic techniques combined with clear narrative. Lobo has to his credit, over 30 Hindi films and as many stage productions and has also been a judge on India’s ‘Dancing Superstar’ on Star Plus.

While he works on his new routines, the world-renowned choreographer adds that online omits the human touch from the teaching. “When you are online no matter how well you teach what is missing is the group dynamic. It creates excitement and draws out the dancer more. They cannot hide and part of performing is overcoming shyness.”

But, just like many others, Lobo knows that the virus is something we might have to live with for a while and online classes definitely help in keeping the discipline of dance in place. In fact, he is also planning an online international collaboration soon.

(Siddhi Jain can be contacted at


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