
Lima to host all Peruvian football matches after COVID-19 shutdown

Lima, June 6 (IANS) All matches in Peruvian football’s first division will be played in Lima when the sport resumes from its coronavirus shutdown, officials have said.

The announcement came after President Martin Vizcarra approved a protocol that allows clubs to resume training under strict bio-safety guidelines, reports Xinhua news agency.

“The Peruvian Football Federation (FPF) and the Liga 1 have decided that none of the actions would jeopardize the health of those who are involved in football,” said FPF president Agustin Lozano.

He added that all matches would be played behind closed doors. No date was given for a return to competition however local media said clubs were targeting a July resumption.

Peru has 187,400 confirmed coronavirus cases, more than 5,000 of which have been fatal, according to health ministry figures.

Authorities in Peru suspended football on March 12, a day after the World Health Organisation declared COVID-19 a global pandemic.



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