
Kerala politicians welcomes April 5 lighting event

Thiruvananthapuram, April 3 (IANS) Kerala politicians on Friday welcomed Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s call to light up lamps on April 5 night amid the nationwide lockdown due to the coronavirus scare.

In his short video message, Modi said that at 9pm on Sunday, people should switch off all lights for nine minutes and light up lamps, switch on torches or cell-phone flashlights.

State Agriculture Minister V.S. Sunil Kumar said that Kerala stood united with the rest of India to fight Covid-19.

“We welcome this initiative and will participate. One need not go into whether there is any scientific validation in all this. At the moment, the initiative will help us all remain united,” Kumar said. The leftist leader is overseeing Ernakulam district as it tackles the coronavirus scare.

Congress state unit vice-president P.C. Vishnunath said that it was on Thursday that the Congress Working Committee had extended support to the Centre’s activities to fight Covid-19.

“Hence, we will all do our best to make this initiative a success by taking part in it,” said Vishnunath.

In Kerala , two persons have so far died of coronavirus, with the total positive cases 286, out of which 256 are under treatment. Besides, 165,934 persons are kept under observation, including 643 at hospitals in the state.



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