
Is Pinarayi Vijayan under an image ‘makeover’?

Thiruvananthapuram, April 4 (IANS) The talk of the town, especially among the political community is the surprise that has taken the rounds where, all, now see a considerably mellowed down of the otherwise rough and tough Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan.

‘Doubts’ have now been cast, on if Vijayan is now under the ‘control’ of a professional image building group, who now decides, the way he should behave when he is in public, especially his body language.

A senior and popular politician from the opposition said that he will not be surprised, if this is nothing but a well planned image building exercise that’s now underway, as crucial elections are round the corner.

“Just look at the way he has been carrying forward in his customary press conferences ever since, he took over from State Health Minister K.K. Shailaja, after Covid-19 activities in the state was streamlined by her. The way he reacts, the way he speaks and the way he responds, all look artificial, unlike his mannerisms and the body language which is quite popular and known to all,” said the senior politician who did not wish to be identified.

The Vijayan, everyone knows is the brash, rough and tough that he often portrays.

It is the journalists’ community which has been at the receiving end as was seen not long ago, when he ruthlessly shooed away journalists who came to cover a meeting and when his party state secretary Kodiyeri Balakrishnan tried to intervene, he gestured to him in anger writ large on his face.

The other popular acts where Vijayan addressed a bishop and a top editor a few years back always remain afresh in the minds of many.

On Friday, Vijayan in the course of his daily customary press meet after corona review, some of the answers to the questions, can be attributed to his ongoing makeover exercise.

He reacted polishly to the April 9 ‘light up’ call given by the Prime Minister and another reply was when asked how State BJP president K. Surendran travelled from Kozhikode to the state capital and held a press meet.

While Vijayan brushed it aside stating Surendran is a top leader, his senior cabinet and party colleague Kadakamapally Surendran breathed fire on the state BJP president’s travel during the nationwide lockdown.

If this so called makeover is true, then it could bring cheers to many, who are literally scared to openly exchange ideas during meetings, afraid of being shot down and ridiculed by Vijayan.



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