
Govt tweets celebs’ videos to appeal to people to stay indoors

New Delhi, April 3 (IANS) After the Prime Minister held a video conferencing with sportspersons to emphasise on social distancing, the Press Information Bureau has started tweeting videos of celebrities to appeal to people to stay indoors.

PIB from its official Twitter account tweeted a video of Saurav Ganguly the BCCI Chairman and former Indian skipper who said in the video message “Social Distancing is the new unity and its on us to stay safe & healthy and fight.”

He said the Prime Minister is trying all the Chief Ministers are trying and we should be indoors to be safe.

Another video the PIB tweeted is sitar maestro Nayan Ghosh who said that stay indoors and listen to classical music. While south superstar Nagarjuna told the importance of staying indoors and so did Bharatanatyam dancer Rama Vaidyanathan who appealed to people to stay safe and learn new things may be a new language or new dish .

The PIB has also tweeted video of folk singer Malini Awasthi , Aditya Dhar and various other people to create awareness.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi earlier on Friday held a video conferencing and spoke to eminent sports personalities like Sachin Tendulkar, PT Usha , PV Sindhu and others as he tried to reach the masses as the country fights the coronavirus pandemic.

After the session legendary athlete P.T.Usha on Friday said the video conference with Prime Minister Modi was well timed and has given all a big boost.

“The PM was seeking our help and support to go to the public to spread the awareness of the need of following the guidelines that has been issued to curb the spread of COVID-19. All of us did say that they are already doing it and he said that it should continue. All agreed to it,” said Usha often referred to as the “golden girl’.



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