
Friday prayers cut short in Valley over corona scare

<br>The Ahle Hadith religious scholars had already announced that the followers of their school of thought would not hold any Friday prayers and would instead offer ‘namaz’ at home instead of attending any congregational gathering across the Valley.

Those attending the short Friday prayers today in most mosques were wearing masks.

After dispersal, the devotees avoided the traditional handshakes and hugs which are otherwise customary for locals when they leave the mosque after Friday prayers.

The number of persons who have so far tested positive in J&K is four with one belonging to the Valley and three to the Jammu region.

The woman who tested positive in the Valley is reportedly stable in Sher-e-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences in Srinagar where she was admitted after she showed symptoms of the dreaded infection.

She had arrived from Saudi Arabia here on March 16.

Her son-in-law, an IPS officer, has voluntarily chosen to stay in quarantine in order to allay public fears that he might have come into contact with the woman after she arrived here from Saudi Arabia where she had gone to perform the ‘Umrah’ pilgrimage.

The husband and daughter-in-law of the woman have also tested negative although they had come into direct contact with the woman after she came back from the pilgrimage.


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