
First evacuation flight from Kuwait lands in Kochi

Kochi, May 9 (IANS) The first evacuation flight from Kuwait carrying 177 passengers along with four kids landed here at 9.40 pm on Saturday.

This is the fifth flight that has landed in Kerala since the evacuation of Indian diaspora began on Thursday.

After arrival, the passengers would undergo thermal scanning and report at the health help desk to be told on how they should conduct themselves during the mandatory quarantine period.

As per the protocol, those showing corovirus-like symptoms will immediately be moved to a separate area and taken to nearby state-run hospital after initial formalities.

Since the pregnant women, kids and elderly people are allowed to be in quarantine at their home, they will be sent to their respective homes in taxis or their own vehicles.

Passengers will be sent to their respective districts by state road transport buses and stay in 14-day quarantine at state-run corona care centres.

The baggage of all the passengers will be disinfected before handing over to them.

Another aircraft from Muscat is also scheduled to arrive later in the night with 177 passengers along with four kids, while the one from Doha is scheduled to land past midnight with another 177 adult passengers and six kids.

Though Kerala has four international airports, so far evacuation flights have landed here and at Kozhikode.

Thiruvananthapuram will get its first flight from Doha on Sunday. Kannur is expected to receive flights in the second schedule.



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