
File FIR against Kejriwal govt for shelter home fire: DPCC

New Delhi, April 16 (IANS) Delhi Congress President Anil Chaudhary on Thursday demanded that an FIR should be registered against the Arvind Kejriwal-led government for the fire at some shelter homes on the Yamuna river bank, as he accused the Delhi government of criminal negligence and failing to fulfil its duties.

Addressing a press conference, Chaudhary highlighted the plight of the poor and needy people after a fire gutted 4-5 shelter homes on the Yamuna bank near Kashmere Gate recently.

“Illegal gathering of thousands of people took place despite Delhi government and its officials being aware of the situation. We had apprised the government about the gathering on April 6 and reminded it again on April 12. Delhi government has been making tall claims and asking people to maintain social distancing through advertisements, only to pat its own back,” he said.

He said that the rules made by the Central and Delhi governments for the people to follow during the lockdown period are being violated with impunity by top officials of both the governments.

“We demand that the Lt. Governor should take strict action against the Delhi government and the concerned officials for playing with the lives of thousands of poor people. An FIR should be registered against the Kejriwal government for committing gross violation of the rules,” he added.



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