
Family of five poisons itself in Gujarat’s Dahod

Gandhinagar Sep 4 (IANS) In a shocking incident, a family of five committed suicide in Gujarat’s Dahod city on Thursday night. The police are yet to find out the exact provocation for the extreme act, but the initial probe indicates it could be have been triggered by a financial crisis.

Saifi Sabbirbhai Dudhiyawala, 42, a disposable paper dish and bowls manufacturer belonging to the Dawoodi Vohra community, committed suicide along with his family members on Thursday night.

“We got information about this incident at 7 am when we found that the entire family of five had poisoned itself. The family comprised of his wife Jenab (38) and three daughters. Two of his daughters are twins aged 16 and the youngest daughter is seven years old,” Paresh Solanki, officiating dy SP Dahod division, told IANS.

“We have found a suicide note by Saifi which states that his family and he are committing suicide but no reason has been mentioned. This was a pre-planned suicide. Saifi had sent his parents — who were living with him — to his maternal uncle’s place on Thursday itself. He also brought his youngest daughter, who was staying at his sister in law’s place, back to his apartment,” added Solanki.

The police found a bottle of poison from the apartment that has been sent for analysis. “We have sent the bodies for post-mortem and are awaiting the results. We are checking out the financial details of the deceased, but prima facie, it seems that the reason might be a financial crisis,” added Solanki.

Saifi’s younger brother, who was also his business partner, had also committed suicide a few years ago, police said.



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