
Facebook Finally Discloses The Criteria To Join The Facebook Gaming Partner Program

Now creators will be able to apply for the Partner Program as Facebook announces the eligibility for joining its Partner Program for the Level Up Creators.

Facebook gaming has three-game creator levels; General Gaming Video Creators Page, Level Up Creators, and Partners. The Partner Program is the highest level for creators that can be achieved. With this level, Level Up creators now can get exclusive partner badges, early access to the new features, invitations for the latest events, personalized support, and other exclusive partner benefits. According to the Facebook post, this program is designed to help game streamers turn live streaming into a career.

The eligibility for applying to the Partner Program is based on how many followers are engaged with the creators, and their monthly earnings. The eligibility criteria vary from region to region, and creators need to check it streamer dashboard. Facebook is currently accepting the application from selected countries, and the requirements might change in future.

After dropping the application, Facebook will vet it and see if it meets its criteria and guidelines. It may take a 6 to an 8-week timeframe to let creators know the status.

However, if any application gets rejected, there is a chance of re-apply after the given time by Facebook. With Facebook gaming, renowned gaming streamers make a huge amount of income, and this criteria disclosure will help creators reach the top level and gain more benefits.

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