
CZA asks zoos to remain on high alert

New Delhi, April 6 (IANS) The Central Zoo Authority (CZA) on Monday asked all the zoos across the country to remain on high alert and collect samples for Covid-19 testing after a tiger in the US Bronx Zoo tested postive for the novel coronavirus.

CZA Member Secretary SP Yadav, in a letter to all the states and union territories, said, “The United States Department of Agriculture’s National Veterinary Services Laboratories has confirmed COVID-19 in a tiger at the Bronx Zoo, New York.”

Yadav stated that “In the country, zoos have been asked to be vigilant. If animals are seen with abnormal behaviour, then they should be monitored 24×7 using CCTVs as well as the caretakers of animals without surrounding PPT kits. should not be allowed to feed those animals “

After this letter, Delhi Zoo director Sunny Buxi told IANS that “Everything is fine in the national park, we are taking precautions all the way. There is no need to panic”

The authority stated that mammals, particularly cats, ferrets and primates, need to carefully monitored.



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