
Cong plans protests over fuel price hike

New Delhi, June 28 (IANS) To counter the Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) virtual rallies, the Congress has decided to launch five-day protest, starting on June 30, against fuel price hike in each block of the country.

The party would also hold protests, between 11 a.m. and 12 noon on Monday in front of the central government offices against the fuel price hike, said senior Congress leader K.C. Venugopal.

The protest is aimed at highlighting the people’s plight due to the rising fuel prices and also to counter the BJP’s policies and programmes.

Criticising the BJP for virtual rallies, the Congress said the ruling party was only targeting votes and was insensitive towards the problems, like Covid-19 pandemic, locust attack and Chinese transgression.

The prices of motor fuel had been rising for the past 21 days even as international crude was at a record low, putting the undue burden on common people, he said.

The central government had collected huge funds by increasing central excise duties on petrol and diesel, he alleged and raised question over the kind of money being spent by the BJP on virtual rallies amid Covid-19.

The Congress has organised two successful social media campaigns, recently.



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