CDK Global Introduces Big Data Platform NEURON to Transform Automotive Industry Data
Mumbai: CDK Global India, a leading provider of integrated information technology has Introduces Big Data Platform NEURON.
Called Neuron, the platform is connected to the Fortellis Automotive Commerce Exchange, which connects software developers, OEMs, and dealers.
Using an analytics engine powered by artificial intelligence and machine learning to create real-time and predictive insights, Neuron seeks to allow dealers and OEMs to sell and service more vehicles. Neuron does that by helping those dealers and OEMs create more personalized and differentiated customer experiences.
Using the power of data and integrations through Fortellis, Neuron will accelerate the creation of new products in the industry. It will also improve the user experience of existing CDK products, such as the CDK Drive dealer management system, CDK Service, and Elead CRM.
CDK chief product and technology officer Mahesh Shah said that the automotive industry, including dealerships, OEMs, and vehicles themselves, has more data than ever. But Shah said a platform has not been available until now to connect all the data in a meaningful manner to improve consumers’ experience with their vehicles.
“Neuron is built to analyze billions of data transactions that flow through our products annually alongside other industry data,” Shah said in a news release. “It will then turn that data into simple, human insights and deliver them directly to the right decision-makers at the right time.”
Shah also said Neuron marks another important milestone in CDK’s efforts to help dealers and OEMs support customer demands in an automotive landscape that is increasingly connected.
Shah said, “We look forward to making even more exciting announcements later this year as we continue to create new ways to further connect software developers, dealers, and OEMs into a next-generation automotive ecosystem.”