
Block C-2, Janakpuri is Delhi’s new containment zone

New Delhi, April 14 (IANS) Taking the count of the containment zones in the city to 48, Block C-2 of Janakpuri in west Delhi was sealed on Tuesday after positive coronavirus cases were reported from the area.

In an order, dated April 14, the District Magistrate (South-West) made the area a containment zone and directed for the implementation of the cluster containment strategy in the area.

It is the fourth containment zone in the district so far.

“The cluster containment strategy would be to contain the disease within a defined geographical area by early detection of cases, breaking the chain of transmission and thus preventing its spread to new areas,” an official from the DM’s office told IANS.

The preventive steps will include geographic quarantine, social distancing measures, enhanced active surveillance, testing suspected cases, isolation of cases, quarantine of contacts and risk communication to create awareness among the public on preventive public health measures.

“During the period of containment, there will be no movement and the areas remain completely contained for the isolation of the cases. All the concerned authorities and officers had been directed to ensure the availability of essential and basic facilities and necessities like food, medical facilities including medicines, sanitation etc. Further if need arises, the same will be provided to every affected person,” the official said.

So far, 48 areas across the city were sealed aimd the coronavirus lockdown after cases of the infection were found.



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