
BCA secy writes to BCCI officials against chief Tiwari’s illegal actions

<br>In the letter, accessed by IANS, Sanjay has said: “With deep regret I would like to inform you that the President of the BCA Rakesh Tiwari against the constitution of the association. Under his own signature, convene Annual General Meeting on 31st January. When I opposed holding of 2nd AGM in same year then he and his friends restrained me and few other full members from participating in the said meeting. He conspired and by misguiding the members succeeded in restraining me from discharging duties of Secretary.”

The Secretary went on to add that those who had supposedly levelled charges against him in the AGM have stated in writing that they did not do so.

“However, majority of the members refused to accept the alleged decision taken in the so called AGM. It is also very interesting that the members who alleged to have levied charges against me in the so called AGM, have stated in writing that they did not levelled any charges against me,” he wrote.

He said that the interference of the President has stopped cricketing activities in the state. “The interference of the President has stopped the cricketing activities in the state since January 31 as he has created confusion among the stakeholders,” the letter reads.

The Secretary requested the BCCI office bearers to look into the matter and take appropriate action. “It is my humble request to the President and other office bearers of the BCCI to kindly look into the matter of BCA and the unconstitutional working of the President and may take appropriate action in this regard to safeguard the cricketing activities in the state of Bihar and to save the dignity of the constitution of BCA,” he said.


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