
Astro Zindagi (Weekly Horoscope): How Mars’ transit in Aries will impact your life

<br>Some important planetary transits will take place during the course of this week which will have an impact on our everyday lives. On August 16, Mars, the planet for execution and prosecution, will move to Aries sign. Similarly, Sun, which signifies government, and Mercury, which represents intelligence, trade and innovation, will move to Leo sign. Let’s understand how these planetary movements will impact different zodiac signs.

Aries<br>Movement of Mars in Aries will bring a new lease of life for you. You will be full of energy and all your pending work will be accomplished. This is a good time to start an independent venture. You could attain a position of authority in your workplace. Those already in business will be able to gain momentum which will translate into financial gains. This is a good time to expand your existing business. This is an exceptional time for students, especially those aspiring to pursue research. The renewed vitality in your professional life may take a toll on your family life as you are likely to spend less time with your family members. While at home, you need to curb your aggressive demeanour else it may lead to problems in personal life. Any kind of physical workout is advisable to calm your nerves. Those facing problems in love life will now experience stability. You are likely to recover from any ongoing health issues.<br>Tip of the week: Control your aggression<br>Lucky days: Wednesday, Thursday

Taurus<br>This may be a challenging week for you. You may face financial issues as pending payments may be delayed. Your expenditure can shoot up which will eat up your savings. For working professionals, this is the time to exercise caution in your decision making. There could be additional pressure at workplace and a reactive approach is uncalled for. However, those in business will experience profits from overseas market. This is also a favourable time for students who are aspiring to study abroad. They will be able to avail admission in a college or university of their choice. There could be difference of opinion with your siblings which may spoil the family atmosphere. Any travelling relating to work or pleasure should be postponed. There is a distinct possibility of you facing some health issue. You shall remain susceptible to minor injuries or accidents. Hence, necessary caution is advised.<br>Tip of the week: Save for a rainy day<br>Lucky days: Friday, Saturday

Gemini<br>You will be filled with ambition and desire. The working environment will remain favourable and there are strong indications of an upliftment in your financial status. For those in business, you will be able to take decisions which will be beneficial in the long run. Those who have recently started their own venture will begin to see positive development on the work front. This is the right time to consider expanding your business contacts which will help boost your sales. However, this may not be a good time for obtaining any fresh loans. Instead, you should consider repaying existing debt to improve your financial standing. On the family front, you are advised to avoid unnecessary conflicts and maintain peace. A positive mindset will go a long way to maintain a healthy relationship. Try to abstain from eating junk food to avoid digestive disorders and throat infections.<br>Tip of the week: Maintain a positive mindset<br>Lucky days: Thursday, Friday

Cancer<br>This week, you will experience a breath of fresh air in your life. You shall remain action-oriented and will be able to realise your goals. Your ideas will start taking shape and will gather speed. As a result, there will be additional workload at the workplace, and you will be able to complete all tasks with a sense of accountability and responsibility. Your productivity will be well appreciated by your seniors. Some of you may also be promoted, especially those working in defence or police. This is a positive time for those involved in sports and they could improve their performance. Family life shall remain harmonious and there could be gain from inherited assets. There will be a renewed energy in your love life and a favourable transition is in sight. Beware of any viral infections or seasonal illnesses which may affect you this week.<br>Tip of the week: Step on the gas<br>Lucky days: Monday, Tuesday

Leo<br>Your luck quotient will remain high this week. There will be a sense of balance in your professional and family life. A strong Sun will provide you self-confidence and vigour to achieve all tasks with ease and elegance. Working professionals will be able to complete all assignments on time. Those in business will taste success as your past plans will now start yielding results. On the family front, there could be unexpected financial support from your father which will bail you out from precarious situations. This is a favourable time for those involved in the education or teaching industry. Students will be able to improve their focus and perform well in studies. Those in the teaching profession can receive promotion. The strong movement of Sun will strengthen your immune system. Even if you fall sick, you will be able to recover.<br>Tip of the week: Trust yourself<br>Lucky days: Wednesday, Thursday

Virgo<br>A sense of detachment shall prevail this week. Working professionals will receive opportunities to work on overseas assignments, while businessmen will find this time suitable to forge global partnerships. This is a good time to invest in long-term opportunities. But on the whole, this is the time to stop and introspect about your life situation and strategy to achieve your goals. Those associated with research work or occult sciences will find this period beneficial for growth. On the family front, your siblings could face some problems and may need your support. Your mother’s health may need additional care and attention. You shall remain prone to infections relating to stomach and lower abdomen. A surgery seems to be on the cards. Involvement in sports and outdoor activities will help in balancing your energy level.<br>Tip of the week: Stop and introspect<br>Lucky days: Friday, Saturday

Libra<br>This is the time to mend your ways and move forward. Do not stop and over analyse. A strong Mars will compel you to remain proactive and take quick decisions. This is a favourable time for working professionals. A new job opportunity is round the corner, and you must not let it go when it knocks on your door. Business will gain momentum and new partnerships will be formed which will take your venture to the next level. You are likely to receive favourable results in family life. Any ongoing disputes in your family will now come to an end. Marriage prospects are on the cards for those who are still single. Married life will remain stable, but it is advisable to keep an eye on your partner’s health. Students will remain devoted and will perform well in exams. Those appearing for competitive exams will be successful. Health ailments relating to spine and lungs could bother you towards the end of the week.<br>Tip of the week: Mend your ways and move forward<br>Lucky days: Wednesday, Thursday

Scorpio<br>You are likely to be in your true elements this week. Do not beat around the bush and address all issues upfront. A competitive and proactive approach will go a long way in helping you achieve success. You will be able to successfully execute any project that you may undertake at your workplace. Business people are advised to not hold themselves back from taking risks and make efforts towards expansion. Any ongoing legal case can be decided in your favour. Students preparing for competitive exams will taste success. On the flip side, your family life may remain troublesome due to misunderstandings with your father. You are also advised to exercise restraint in relationship with your spouse else there could be fresh disputes. Your immunity shall remain quite strong. If you have been facing some old illness, you are likely to get relief.<br>Tip of the week: Take it head on<br>Lucky days: Monday, Tuesday

Sagittarius<br>The change of planetary position indicates much-needed relief for you. You will be blessed with good luck and all your endeavours will be successful. This is a good time to consider change of job and seek new opportunities. Business potential will improve and those in the entertainment and creative field will witness success. Financial strength will remain strong and there are indications of gain from stock trading. This is also a good time to invest in real estate. Those in a relationship are likely to grow closer to their beloved. Single natives are also expected to meet up with someone special at this time. On a personal level, you are advised to maintain flexibility in your behaviour to avoid spoiling your marital life. There could be misunderstandings with your children and you are advised to exercise restraint in this regard. Health issues relating to urinary system may bother you.<br>Tip of the week: Look for greener pastures<br>Lucky days: Wednesday, Thursday

Capricorn<br>This is a favourable week to build up on your assets. It is a good time for sale and purchase of land. You can also look forward to favourable results at workplace. You will receive the complete support of your colleagues and your seniors will remain impressed with your pace of work. An increase in the current salary of working professionals is also on the cards. Business people need to exercise caution in terms of financial matters. Avoid investing in stock market else losses are indicated. You need to remain careful concerning your mother’s health and take medical help if required. Apart from this, things will remain favourable in your family life and you shall remain at peace. Your married life can remain under stress and there may be difference between you and your partner. Health will remain fine barring some issues relating to your reproductive organs.<br>Tip of the week: Build your assets<br>Lucky days: Friday, Saturday

Aquarius<br>This is the right time to look beyond your comfort zone. The influence of Mars is likely to bring out your leadership skills. It is time to stay strong and take risks. Your career will be on the upswing and you could receive new job opportunities this week. Business people will continue to do well and may forge new tie-ups to foster their expansion. Those associated with the field of IT, media and marketing will do exceedingly well. Those posted in the government sector are also likely to benefit and may receive transfer orders. There could be onset of a new romantic relationship this week which will work out in the long run. Married life will remain harmonious and relationship with your spouse will become stronger. Students will perform well in exams and will taste success in achieving their goals. You can consider enhancing your writing skills. Towards the middle of the week, you could face health issues relating to kidneys.<br>Tip of the week: Bring out the leader in you<br>Lucky days: Wednesday, Thursday

Pisces:<br>You will remain motivated to achieve your goals. Business people can try to strike a major deal which will consolidate your finances. Salaried employees will remain committed to deliver greater output. They could be offered a promotion, along with increased remuneration. Married couples may be stressed because of the non-cooperative attitude of their life partner. It will be important to remain patient to resolve the issues. Students pursuing higher education will be keen to earn some extra income. They may search for some opportunities that will assist them with their financial needs and requirements. Family atmosphere may not remain harmonious owing to ongoing financial disputes. Beware of any viral infections or seasonal illnesses. Take all due precautionary measures in this regard. Vision haziness or an injury near the right eye is a possibility.<br>Tip of the week: Strengthen your bonding<br>Lucky days: Monday, Tuesday

(Neeraj Dhankher is an astrologer with proficiency in Vedic, KP and Nadi Astrology. He is Founder and CEO of Astro Zindagi. The observations are made by the writer based on his own analysis)


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