
Ashish Vidyarthi to hold a special live event ‘Vidyarthi for Vidyarthi’s on December 27

The Indian film actor and motivational speaker Ashish Vidyarthi are set to hold a live event called ‘Vidyarthi for Vidyarthi’s’ for Board exam students.

The event will be attended by 10th and 12th class students, their parents, and teachers.

According to the source, the ‘Vidyarthi for Vidyarthi’ will be going in two sessions, at 10:00 AM in Hindi and 11:15 AM in the English language on December 27, 2020.

“Board Exams have played a very crucial role in our lives. Students who have gone through 2020 dealing with challenges that none have dealt with before! In spite of that, I am clear, they will need to go forth towards it, not with regret but a renewed sense of energy and belief,” said Mr. Vidyarthi.

“My aim is to reach all students who are taking the exams across the country. Will need your support to spread the word. Parents, students teachers, and friends. Let’s join our forces to share the date with this extraordinary set of Board exam students,” He also added.

The event shall be streamed LIVE will be on Ashish Vidyarhthi’s Facebook page, Youtube Channel, and LinkedIn Page.

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