
Another COVID-19 hotspot added in Noida as cases mount to 109

Noida, April 25 (IANS) Stepping up its fight against coronavirus, the Noida administration has added another containment zone, taking the number of hotspots to 34.

With six fresh corona positive cases reported in one day, the number of corona-infected patients in Noida reached 109, a health official said on Saturday.

So far, 56 patients have recovered from the deadly virus while 53 are undergoing treatment in Noida.

The administration on Friday identified Sector 45 as another hotspot zone, after a man tested positive for COVID-19. Later, the area was sealed to curb the spread of the deadly pandemic.

Municipal Magistrate Umashankar said that “SD-77, Sector 45 Noida and its surrounding areas have been fully sealed as per the laid down protocol from April 24 to 12 o’clock in advance, and as per the guidelines, people of this area shall remain in their own house. Action will be taken against people who dilute the lockdown rules.”



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