
Amit Shah’s 10 steps in fight against corona in Delhi

<br>On June 14, when Shah took over, he took 10 major steps. He not only held meetings but monitored the situation on the ground, checking arrangements by visiting hospitals.

First, he held a meeting with Lieutenant Governor Anil Baijal and Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and then met the Delhi Mayor. The very next day, Shah held an all-party meeting and received inputs from the Opposition leaders as well.

BJP Delhi state president Adesh Kumar Gupta said the number of tests in Delhi increased only after Shah intervened. <br> <br>Delhi BJP’s media relations head Neelkant Bakshi told IANS, “The people of Delhi were relieved after Union Home minister Amit Shah took command of the situation. People now feel that Delhi is in safe hands.”

The ten major steps that Shah took range from building hospital capacity to conducting more tests.

1,000-bed Covid Hospital: <br>A 1,000-bed hospital with 250 ICU beds for corona patients in Delhi is nearing completion. It will start operating in a few days. The doctors of the Armed Forces will operate this hospital.<br> <br>10,000-bed Quarantine Centre: <br>On the initiative of Shah, a 10,000-bed Covid Care Centre is almost ready in Radha Swami Satsang complex at Chhatarpur. The ITBP will handle it.

Testing charges reduced: <br>Coronavirus treatment in Delhi’s private hospitals has become three times cheaper after the report of the committee set up on the instructions of the Home Minister. Rates have been fixed at Rs 8,000 to Rs 10,000 for isolation beds, Rs 13,000 to Rs 15,000 for ICU beds without ventilators and Rs 15,000 to Rs 18,000 with ventilators.

Door-to-door Survey: <br>Shah ordered a door-to-door survey in Delhi’s containment zones. A cent per cent health survey in Delhi’s containment zones will be completed by June 30 and the rest of Delhi’s health survey will be completed by July 6 which will investigate every corona-infected person.

Rapid Testing: <br>After knowing that Delhi is testing less and the results are coming late, Shah ordered the setting up of 169 rapid antigen testing centres which provide results in half-an-hour. The number of tests everyday has also been tripled.

Home Isolation Report:<br>Shah directed the Delhi administration to find out when a Covid patient who dies had reached the hospital and from where he was brought? If he was in home quarantine, was he brought in at the right time? Shah asked for the reporting of every death to the Centre.

Covid Care Rail Coaches: <br>The Railways provided isolation ward coaches to the Delhi government to ensure availability of beds for treatment of Covid patients.

Hospital Connectivity: <br>Each district of Delhi was linked to a major hospital to provide Covid treatment to each and every person in need.

Coordination: <br>To ensure better coordination, regular meetings of various agencies — the Ministry of Home Affairs, Delhi Government and Municipal Corporation of Delhi, are being held.

CCTV Cameras and Counselling: <br>Shah directed the installation of CCTV cameras in all Covid-19 wards of all hospitals in Delhi and ordered the setting up of canteens for the infected patients. He also suggested counselling for doctors and nurses.


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