
Amid cyclone, corona, Mumbai cop saves minor girl’s life

Mumbai, June 4 (IANS) At the height of the Covid-19 crisis coupled with cyclone Nisarga, a Mumbai policeman helped save the life of a minor girl who underwent a critical heart operation, an official said here on Thursday.

It was on June 3 when a 14-year old girl, Sana F. Khan was required to undergo an open heart surgery at the Hinduja Hospital.

“She was in urgent need of the A+ blood group during the open heart procedure. However, owing to the cyclone Nisarga dislocation and the Covid-19 restrictions, no eligible person was able to reach the hospital to donate blood,” said the official.

When Akash Babasaheb Gaikwad, a policeman, learnt about this he rushed to the hospital and volunteered to help out.

Gaikwad was taken inside the hospital and after the necessary tests, his blood matched, thus helping save the patient’s life.

When informed about this, Home Minister Anil Deshmukh called up Gaikwad and lavished praise on him for adhering to the police motto of ‘Sadrakshanaya’ in the hour of crisis.

“Whether it is the corona pandemic or a cyclone, the police are always with the people and come to their rescue as angels. This has been proved again. My salute to warriors like you,” said the minister.

Deshmukh added that as the head of the entire state police force, he was proud of the policeman for helping save the minor girl’s life with his noble deed.



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